Midkemia Online, a place for online gamers to enjoy their favourite, fantasy world, the world that is the foundation for the books of Raymond E. Feist. The game is at present still in developement, but you can find out the current state of play below.
Midkemia Online June UPDATE
Wednesday June 3rd, 2009
We received the following update today from JT O'Loughlin, Lead producer Midkemia Online.
Lately we've been working on finishing up Rogues, and coding Magicians.
Rogues are coming along nicely, and getting near to being completed. I'm really pleased with how they're turning out in terms of spying, stealth and infiltration abilities. One of the cool things about Rogues is the ability to construct bombs! There are different types of bombs Rogues can construct (smoke bombs, Quegan fire oil bombs, etc.), and they can be used in 3 different ways: to throw directly at an enemy, to throw at your room for a room-wide effect, or to throw into an adjacent room for a room-wide effect. Rogues can also hide themselves from sight, making them difficult to detect or hit, and launch sneak attacks for massive damage if they are unseen, before launching into a barrage of fencing attacks with their rapier. And, of course, Rogues are able to eavesdrop on nearby conversations or even spy on private communications between other players, making them masters of espionage.
Ok, so a few things about Magicians that may have changed from the original plans: when we release, our Magicians will be Greater Path Magicians!
They are a classic glass cannon archetype, with their most powerful spells only able to be cast at a range, such as hurling giant balls of the blue fire the Tsurani Great Ones use in battle. Of course, one of a Magician's signature spells is the ability to create Rifts -- which are the only "teleportation" or long-distance transport ability in the game (in fitting with Midkemia's theme of low magic). Unlike most teleportation skills in other games, however, enemies (and allies) can follow you through an open Rift, so it's not a perfect escape method. Beyond manipulating magic, Magicians also create a variety of useful enchantments that are usable by anyone. Lesser Path Magicians are more skilled than their Greater Path cousins at creating enchanted objects, however.
So where does that leave Lesser Path?
We are still planning on having Lesser Path Magicians, but they will be released after beta. Why the change? Three reasons. First, there was just more interest in people playing Greater Path Magicians, since they feature more prominently in the series. Second, we had a firmer design in place for Greater Path. And third, Lesser Path Magicians make extensive use of the elements (such as weather) around them, and I wasn't convinced that we could have a really interesting Lesser Path without a completed (and easy to manipulate) weather system. In the future, you can expect that Lesser Path will be less flashy and flamboyant than Greater Path, but arguably more powerful in a meta-sense. Whereas a Greater Path might throw fireballs at an enemy, a Lesser Path might manipulate the weather to make it colder or rainy (and thus cause those fireballs to fizzle out and do significantly
less damage), or create a violent storm with lightning and hurricane winds spread over a wide area.

Midkemia Online Website
Monday April 13th, 2009
JT O'Loughlin of Midkemiaonline, just posted to the Feistfans-l mailing list the following news.
From: JT O'Loughlin
Date: 13 April 2009
For those of you who are interested, we've got a new website for Midkemia Online: http://midkemiaonline.com
There's not a lot of info there right now, but I'll be doing regular updates on how the game is coming along on the website.

Midkemia Online New Years Update
Tuesday January 6th, 2009
The following update on Midkemia Online, giving the current status of the project, has been received today from Jeremy Saunders, President of Iron Realms Entertainment.
The holidays and new year have been hectic and full of activity at Midkemia Online! At the last update, we opened our doors briefly to players to explore the racial introductions, which was a resounding success and one we hope you thoroughly enjoyed as much as we did!
The Rogue class is now nearing completion, with Rogues specializing in fencing with a rapier, and the use of a poniard in their off-hand. They also rely heavily on guile and subterfuge, preferring to strike with speed and surprise attacks instead of brute force. Code development has begun on Priests as well, utilizing a magical warhammer as seen in Silverthorn to strike at their enemies and build up the faith that is used to fuel their offensive and healing prayers. The healing and support prayers of Priests are certain to make them an invaluable asset to any group. Additionally, Priests may evote themselves to one of the Gods of Midkemia, entering into their Holy Order and gaining special powers and abilities known only to the followers of that God. The Gods themselves remain aloof and distant, and their followers may be divided into separate and opposing factions with their own dogma and competing ideals on the faith, serving to highlight both conflict between the Gods and strife between various cultures (a native of the Kingdom and one of Great Kesh might have very different ideas about the same God, after all!).
The creative among us are rejoicing as work on item crafting has also been undertaken, aiming to provide our players with the maximum tools at their disposal to design and craft their own weapons, armor and clothing that provide unique and unequaled bonuses which are certain to be sought after by all. Each player may own their own personal tome of designs so they can record and share their unique creations with others. But beware! For enterprising thieves (especially notorious in Krondor) may attempt to pilfer a design and sell it on the black market to the highest bidder.
Additionally, our website is coming along very nicely, and we hope to have that up and running in the coming months, slowly releasing new content as it becomes available.
JT O'Loughlin
Lead producer Midkemia Online.

Midkemia Online Update
Saturday December 20th, 2008
We have today been privileged to have a sneak peak at the new website for Midkemia Online. Must say I am impressed. We understand there are still some changes that are to be incorporated, which we can only assume will make it even better. Many thanks go to Jeremy Saunders of Iron Realms for the opportunity.

Midkemia Online Update
Monday October 13th, 2008
With thanks going to Jeremy Saunders President of Iron Realms Entertainment, we heve a new update for you on what has been happening in the world of Midkemia Online.
Much exciting progress has been made on Midkemia Online recently with class design taking shape, including the unmatched rapier and fencing skills of the agile rogue, the faith and righteousness of the warhammer-carrying priest, and the unequaled woodlore and tracking prowess of the ranger.
The rich and detailed world of Midkemia itself has been expanding and evolving as well, with both useful tools to help new players such as in-game maps, to challenging and epic quests certain to delight old and new gamers alike, which have a real and serious impact on the world. As an example, in Sar-Sargoth the brooding masters of the black arts, corrupted by the Dark Path's allure, seek to raise the fallen heroes of the Kingdom of the Isles from their tombs as nefarious Witch Kings who can command an army of the undead to rain terror upon the heartlands and cities of the Kingdom. Will the heroes of the Kingdoms turn the tide of such an invasion, or will the armies of the Northlands pillage and plunder all in their path?
Midkemia Online will feature daring conflict between the brutal Moredhel, Trolls, and Goblins of the Northlands and the noble Kingdom of the Isles, Eledhel, and Dwarves as the allies of the south. Players will be able to pick either side in this struggle and join the fray, with a combat system written entirely from scratch and never seen before.
Joining the Midkemia Online team in August as Producer was JT O'Loughlin, a veteran designer and programmer of Iron Realms, who was previously the Associate Producer for the highly successful game Lusternia, the Age of Ascension. Combined with Eric and Deric, he is providing creative direction for Midkemia Online and helping to round out the development team.
Most exciting, the trial of the character creation and game introductions draws nearer, with the Kingdom of the Isles and Dwarven introductions completed, and work continuing on the vicious and tribal Troll introduction. These are the 3 races that will be previewed to members of Crydee.com, giving a taste of both life in the Kingdom, in the Gray Towers, and in the unforgiving north!
Jeremy Saunders
President of Iron Realms Entertainment

Midkemia Online - Update
Sunday June 22nd, 2008
We have received an update on the status of Midkemia Online from Jeremy Saunders (President of Iron Realms Entertainment), and Eric Mikula and Deric Hicks (Co-Producers, Midkemia Online). You can read all about it below.
Below is the latest update form Midkemia Online developers Eric Mikula and Deric Hicks. As promised last month, here are basic character images for the Dwarf and Goblin races (they can also be seen here). I have also included the initial rough draft images so you can see the progression and get a peek at the human and troll. We will release more art soon, including some scenes from the books. Our goal remains to open Midkemia Online by the end of 2008.
Jeremy Saunders
President of Iron Realms Entertainment

Click on each image to open a larger version.
Goblin, Human, Troll, and Dwarf Second Mock Ups.
Now continue reading the update
Development for Midkemia Online has been continuing with an emphasis on finishing the introduction sequence for new players. All players will have unique introductory tours based on race. Each of the races (human, dwarf, eledhel, moredhel, mountain troll, and goblin) will play through the 'coming-of-age' traditions for their kind. While human characters will be introduced to Midkemia through the Choosing, dwarfs will go through follow the ancient traditions of their elders, and trolls will experience a somewhat more savage introduction to adult life. In each case, players will be guided through the basic commands needed to interact with the world while being acquainted with their individual roles and characteristics. Upon completing the tour, players will enter the world where they can begin setting a path for themselves.
Additionally, work continues to refine player versus environment combat, a very important part of early character life. Every effort is being made to make combat with non-player characters much the same experience as fighting another player: players will need to use a full range of skills and strategies to defeat opponents.
Once work completes on the introduction sequences, we will run a closed demo for the members of crydee.com allowing them a first look at the game. This will probably include a small hunting area after the introduction, to give players a preview of how the game works. More details on this preview will be announced as soon as they are ready.
Eric Mikula and Deric Hicks
Co-Producers, Midkemia Online
Iron Realms Entertainment

Midkemia Online is progressing
Friday May 16th, 2008
We often get asked about what is happening to the Online game that is being developed based on Riftwar, well here is your chance to find out as much as we know. I received today the following update from Jeremy Saunders - President of Iron Realms Entertainment.
Hello folks. My name is Jeremy Saunders and I am the new President of Iron Realms Entertainment. As I am sure you noticed, Midkemia Online has progressed very slowly. The main reason being that Matt Mihaly, the owner of IRE, is heading up a new company, Sparkplay Media. During this time, progress with Midkemia Online stalled. However, since taking over operations at IRE, I have made releasing MKO my main focus this year. Frankly, more progress has been made in the last 4 months then in the last 2 years.
My first order of business was putting two new developers in charge of the project; Eric Mikula and Deric Hicks. Both have been working on MKO from the beginning and have done a fantastic job thus far. They have written up a summary of what they are working on for you to enjoy, which I have included with this message.
One thing they do not mention is that we have begun work on the final website for the game and have commissioned Chris Bourassa to create some new, vivid imagery for the Midkemia Online. Without a doubt it will be some of the best Midkemia art you have ever seen.
Without further ado, let me introduce Eric and Deric who will give you a better update of game progress.
Jeremy Saunders
President of Iron Realms Entertainment
Exciting changes recently as we continue development of the game world and improving the player experience. Following is a brief summary of what we are working on and our plans for the near future.
Upon creation, players will be met with several choices to customize their character. Part of this is an extensive race system. At launch we will have five races broken into ten playable species. What race and species you choose determines your nationality and faction. Two warring factions make up the basis for conflict in Midkemia Online; the Kingdom and the Northlands. Humans and dwarves are composed of two species each and are members of the Kingdom. Elves are split into Moredhel and Eledhel, Moredhel belonging to the Northlands and Eledhel to the Kingdom. Troll and goblin clans round off the Northlands faction with two clans each.
The two factions consist of nations. Each nation has its own system of player controlled government. The kingdom humans are ruled by a monarch, with various positions beneath him. Natalese humans are ruled by a council of merchants. Elves are ruled by their Queen and a council of elders. We've created a system for each organization to control positions of leadership, creating and disbanding them as needed, without assistance from game administration.
For players who enjoy fighting, we've created a unique system of combat, very different from any of the existing IRE games. Combat will require you to manage endurance, utilize balance between attacking or defending, and choosing between accuracy and power to defeat your foes. This combat system is a unique concept and distinguishes it from most other text-based MMORPGs. Many other text-based combat games use passive defenses, where players "attack and react". For example, you respond to attacks by curing them reactively. Our system encourages - and indeed requires - that you proactively defend yourself from attacks, or pay the consequences. For example, skillsets created for rogues emphasize quick, accurate attacks, dodging and disrupting your enemy's motions in order to gain an advantage. Combat is based on the fundamental concept that you can't quaff a potion or apply a salve in the middle of heated combat in order to soothe your wounds, so you must logically prevent those wounds from occurring. In other words, injuries in Midkemia are serious business and cannot be easily recovered from.
In order to encourage the low-magic atmosphere - that wounds actually hurt, and you cannot spring back from a brutal assault - we've also incorporated a new concept for handling a player defeat in combat, called the death and defeat system. In other games, a player would normally die when their primary health source has been whittled down to nothing through attrition or their inability to defend.
In Midkemia Online, a player is defeated (instead of instantly killed) when they lose all health. At this point, the victor can either kill his opponent or seriously wound them, but let them live. Should they choose to kill their foe, no experience is gained nor lost and the vanquished will have to be returned to life. Foes that are not slain will be seriously injured and returned to a place of safety. Their wounds will restrict their ability to participate in conflict effectively until they have healed (Trying to do anything with a shattered leg is pretty difficult). This helps encourage an environment where death is discouraged and serious injuries are indeed ‘serious’.
Improvements have been made to the skillset system giving players more incentive to increase proficiency in their abilities. Becoming proficient with skills in Midkemia Online will mean more than simply gaining new abilities. As you gain proficiency, you gain new skills, existing abilities more efficient, your accuracy will increase, and you will do more damage and drain less endurance when using them.
Currently we're working on the new player introductions. Separate (though similar) ones are planned for each race. Players will learn how to communicate with their character, move, interact with the environment, view your surroundings, and more. It explains the political structure for your nationality, and your role in it. This will be your first glimpse into the world of Midkemia.
We plan to open the introductions to players as soon as they are done, allowing everyone to get a taste of what they can expect in Midkemia.
Eric Mikula and Deric Hicks
Co-Producers, Midkemia Online
Iron Realms Entertainment
It is envisaged that Midkemia Online should go live towards the end of 2008.
Jeremy Saunders
President of Iron Realms Entertainment

Midkemia Online - Update
Tuesday July 31st, 2007
Today we received an email from Leigh Stillard, Producer of "Midkemia Online" for 'Iron Realms Entertainment'.
Here for your information is an extract from that email:-
In terms of status here is a quick update on what we have done so far. We have completed building all the cities and kingdoms of the realm,(those that will be available at release - Admin), and made them functional for use by players once the game is released. We have crafting & gathering systems, our system for religion and roleplay events, and most of the area west of Krondor and north of the Bitter Sea built. Combat has been the main focus of the last 9 months, which is nearing a state where we are ready to go to alpha testing. We have a great deal more than the above in, but these are the most notable and the ones which required the most work.
Right now we're fleshing out the organizations that players will be a part of, an exciting trade system, continuing to polish and test the combat system, and various other preparations for alpha and beta. I can't give you a release date at this point unfortunately, but I should be able to at some point in the next couple of months.
Leigh Stillard,
Producer of "Midkemia Online"
for 'Iron Realms Entertainment'
You can read earlier information on the online games here