In accordance with EU Law, we are required to provide information on cookies.
Although the administrators of this site are aware that the Content Management System on which the site is built does use cookies, the administrators do not use the information from those cookies.
As we are not expert programmers, nor experts in cookies, or even the content management system which the site is built, we have used the audit tool provided at to perform an automated audit of cookies. The results of which are provided below.
Most web browsers allow some control of most cookies through the browser settings. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit
If you are not in acceptance of cookies, please leave the website and delete our cookies using the facilities most likely provided in the options/settings for your browser. You may alternatively choose to remain on the site but block the cookies, however function of the site may be affected.
Cookie Details
This information was last updated on 14 May 2012, using the audit tool provided at
Cookie Origin | Name | Permanent | Type | | | has_js | No | Standard | | | _atuvc | Yes | Standard |
Third Party
Cookie Origin | Name | Permanent | Type | | | psc | Yes | Standard | | | uid | Yes | Standard | | | uit | Yes | Standard | | | uvc | Yes | Standard |
The addthis cookies are associated with the facility we provide to permit content sharing through various social media sites.
YouTube Cookies
We may embed videos from YouTube. This mode may set cookies on your computer once you click on the Youtube video player.
Although we may link to other websites, we have no control over any cookies they may set on your computer.
If our cookies change we will update the information provided on this page, and if possible re-activate the requirement for cookie consent.
This page was last updated on 22 May 2012.