The Feistfans-l mailing list has been around since the 1990's. It is operated by and administered by Dan Lorey and not, as some incorrectly assume.
It is a discussion group that occurs via mass email distribution. The Mailing lists utilizes list server software, and maintains a list of email addresses to be used for the mailing list. Subscribing and Unsubscribing to the list is accomplished by sending a properly formatted email message to the list server.
The Feistfans-l mailing lists although unmoderated, does have standards of etiquette, see Information for Newbies, so it is advisable to observe other postings for a while before you post.
To send a message to the Feistfans-l, you email it to the list server which automatically emails your message to every name on the list. When you reply, unless you directly reply to the sender, your reply will go to the list server which automatically emails your message to every name on the list.
Raymond E. Feist is a member of the mailing list, and regulary participates in threads that interest him.
Update 2016. Although the group still exists, it's usage has dropped considerably, with months passing and no posts. Most of the remaining members have "heard it all before", so sit patiently in the background awaiting the release of the next book, though they are not adverse to answering questions from new members when they arise.