In 2001 at the request of Crydee, Geoff Taylor took photographs of his painting for the cover of Murder in LaMut, at various stages of completion. Many have already had a chance to see the spectacular art as it was used on the cover. Here, for your enjoyment, we present the pictures that Geoff took.

Picture Stage 1
| An early stage showing the beginnings of the chain mail armour. There is a basic outline of arm and sword. |
Picture Stage 2
The chain mail is now more defined, with the arm and sword appearing in more detail. The warrior is now wearing lower and upper arm bracers. |
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Picture Stage 3
| Further detail and shading added to the warrior's body. The forward landscape is now starting to be outlined. |
Picture Stage 4
Close-up of landscape detail, showing the beginnings of blue colour foundation. More detail has been added to the forward landscape, with a water inlet now clearly defined, with a clear peninsular. |
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Picture Stage 5
| Further colour now added to the landscape bringing in an orange glow over the water. The distant landscape has now being developed, with a mountain to the left and the silhouette of man made structures to the middle. The sky has started to turn stormy through an evening sunset. Colour has now started to be added to the warriors upper bracer |
Picture Stage 6
Close-up of warrior's upper bracer, showing minor adjustments to detail, and increased colour tones. |
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Picture Stage 7
| Yellow tones have now been added to the background, with clouds softening. The yellow in the sky is now reflecting across the water, and can be clearly seen on the water of the inlet. The warrior's sword, has a red sheen with the start of what could be a reflection of light on the upper edge of the blade. The warrior's upper bracer has taken on some minor changes, and the lower bracer has taken on colour. |
Picture Stage 8
Close-up of the distant city. |
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Picture Stage 9
| Colouring of the helm, giving a mottled effect. Warrior's mouth adjusted to give a different perspective. Fur cloak has taken on red tones, giving it more life |
Picture Stage 10
Extensive changes to the warrior's helm, adding more intricate detail, and a short nose bridge, colour tones adjusted to give a golden hue. Face, has again undertaken changes to skin tones, giving more lifelike presentation. Fur cloak has been given more life, and now appears a dark brown |
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Picture Stage 11
| Warriors cloak is now lower on the arm, and across the chest, displaying an intricate cloak pin. Both bracers have changed, with considerable more detail. Sword belt has been given a buckle which can be seen above the lower bracer. Sword guard has been developed. Colour is now appearing on the arms and hands. Riders on horseback can be seen to the right of the warriors shoulder. More riders can be seen on the foreshore of the inlet. |
Picture Stage 12
Close-up of the foreshore of the inlet. The horse riders appear to be carrying lances. |
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Picture Stage 13
| Shadowing has been added to the face and helm. Fur cloak is now well defined |
Picture Stage 14
Close-up of the sword guard and hilt. The detail in the hands is clearly visible. |
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Picture Stage 15
| A further close-up of the foreshore of the inlet. The horse riders are now carrying torches, enforcing the impression of the fading light of sunset. |
Picture Stage 16
What was the start of a reflection of light on the upper edge of the blade, has now been fully developed into a glint of reflected sunset |
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Picture Completed
| The Final Art, shows a general lightening of the headland, warrior and forest in the center foreground, giving the effect of being bathed in the light from the setting sun. |
Final Art on the Book
The Final Cover displaying the text applied by the publisher. |
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