Ralph M. Askren, DVM has been working in the field of veterinary medicine for over forty years but has always enjoyed art as an avocation. He was first introduced to the works of Raymond E. Feist through the award winning computer game, "Betrayal at Krondor."
It was not long before he became immersed in the worlds of Ray's creation and realized that Ray's fans lacked a complete and thorough map of Midkemia. Ralph began work on what would become the definitive map of Midkemia. His cartographic representaions of Ray's worlds are carefully crafted from in depth study of the works of Raymond E. Feist (including novels, short stories, and computer games), Midkemia Press Publications, early drafts of maps from Ray and other Friday Nighters, as well as numerous personal corespondences with Ray and Steve Abrams. Ralph is quick to acknowledge his inspiration from previous Midkemian cartogrophers Stephen Abrams, Rich Spahl, Jackie Aher, Claire Naylon Vaccaro, Roger Smith, D. Brent Burkett, and Mychael Brown.
Ralph's creations first became known to fans on the web site Elvandar,com, which is now the home of The Online Atlas to the Worlds of Raymond E. Feist. It was not long before Ray and his publishers asked Ralph to provide the maps for his published works as well.
20 Feb 2020: The original Elvandar website created by Ralph is in the process of closing down. At his request Crydee is hosting an archive of the website and the link below has been changed to reflect this.
To learn more about Midkemian geography visit