Here you will find the latest news in the world of Raymond E. Feist. It maybe the title of the next book, a new release or even a new project, but it could also be an update on an existing project. What ever it is though, we hope to present it to you as soon as we are aware of it. If you know something we don't, that relates to Raymond E. Feist, and believe it should be here, then please contact us.

Wed Jul 11th, 2012
Magicians End (US) Release Date
We have it on good authority that the US edition of Magicians End is due to be released on the 14th May 2013. The ISBN is 978-006-146843-8. The publication information can be found at Magicians End, though at present we have little information. As soon as the cover is available, we will post it.

Tue Jul 10th, 2012
A Kingdom Besieged, Czech!
We have just uploaded the publication information and Synopsis for the Czech edition of A Kingdom Besieged, Království v obležení, due for release by Wales sometime in 2012, unfortunately we have no exact date, so it may already be available. Full details can be found in the Publication Information section. For now, here is the cover (a larger view can be seen on its page).

Tue Jul 10th, 2012
France - A Kingdom Besieged
In only a few days, on the 13th July 2012, Bragelonne is due to release in France Un royaume assiégé, the French translation of A Kingdom Besieged, by Raymond E. Feist. Information such as ISBN etc can be found in the Publication Information section, but for now a preview of the cover can be seen below.

Sat Jun 30th, 2012
Early titles and ebooks
Ray posted the following to the Feistfans-l mailing list today.
From: Raymond Feist
Date: 30 June 2012
We've agreed in principle to a deal to put the Riftwar, Empire, Prince of the Blood, King's Buccaneer, and Faerie Tale into ebook format with HarperCollins.
No details yet, so don't ask me when they're going to be available, OK? I will certainly post that info when I know.
Best, R.E.F.

Fri Jun 29th, 2012
Older covers - Take 2, by Geoff Taylor
Many will have noticed the various covers on the books, Geoff Taylor, is one of the artists that created many of the earlier colourfull covers for the books of the UK and Australia. Many of the art has also been used in other countries, and on books of other authors.
Geoff was recently requested to create two paintings as private commisions to represent his own interpretation of scenes from the books. The first is entitled "On the Lookout for the Tsurani" a scene from Magician, whilst the second is "Gorath of the Ardanien" a scene from Krondor the Betrayal. Selecting an image will open the original page at where you can see a larger picture and read more.
On the Lookout for the Tsurani
Gorath of the Ardanien

Sun Jun 17th, 2012
Magician's End announced (UK)
Magician's End is announced. The last book in the Raymond E. Feist Chaoswar Saga, and overall Riftwar Cycle, has been scheduled for the 9th May 2013 in the UK.
Current Publication Information can be found at Magician's End. As soon as we have sight of the cover it will also be posted.
The release date may however change.

Fri May 4th, 2012
Janny Wurts gone iTunes/Audible
Ray has asked me to post that Janny Wurts, co-author of the Empire Trilogy, and an author in her own right, has three of her titles available on iTunes and Audible.
The titles available are Stormwarden, Keeper of the Keys, and Shadowfane, the three books of the Cycle of Fire.
If you have never read them, you now have a chance to hear them.

Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
UK - A Crown Imperilled Replacement - UPDATE
From the voyager website, and applicable to UK and Ireland editions only
Response 5
The replacement book will not have a different ISBN. The errors are in all hardback and current ebook versions. As you know we are offering replacement copies. Instead of sending back the entire hardback we are suggesting customers just send back the title page. We hope the glitch will not spoil this wonderful novel for you. If you feel that you would rather wait and read the corrected copy, please send your title page to:
A Crown Imperilled Replacement Copies
HarperCollins Publishers
77-85 Fulham Palace Road
W6 8JB
Response 9
Thank you for getting in touch. We will be replacing any copies that are sent in with a forwarding address in the UK and Ireland.

Thu Mar 22nd, 2012
US A Crown Imperiled Error - Important
It would appear that the error in the UK edition of A Crown Imperilled has made it into the Hardcover First Printing of the US edition A Crown Imperiled.
For further information please see the following article, but remember the offer stated is for the UK edition only UK A Crown Imperilled Error - Important.
Please note that at the present time, we are unaware of any similar plans by the US publisher for swapping of books etc. If we are made aware of any plan, we will post it at Crydee.

Tue Mar 13th, 2012
Mysterious Galaxy Signing - Tonight
Just a reminder, Ray will be at Mysterious Galaxy, San Diego between 7 and 8p.m. tonight, March 13th 2012. If you want a signed copy of his latest book now is your chance. If you can't be there in person, they do take phone orders.

Tue Mar 13th, 2012
A Crown Imperiled US - Out Now
A Crown Imperiled, is now officially released in the US.

Wed Feb 15th, 2012
UK A Crown Imperilled Error - Important
The following text is a reproducion of a article that can be found at Harper Voyager Books. It is applicable to the First Printing Hardback edition, and is reproduced by permission from Jane Johnson, Publishing Director.
A Crown Imperilled by Raymond E. Feist
February 13, 2012
Dear Fans,
Sometimes things go wrong in the complex process of publishing a book, but we do try to keep it to a minimum! This time a glitch has slipped through our safety net, and unfortunately it’s in the otherwise wonderful A Crown Imperilled. We at Voyager are not only the publishers of Ray’s work, we are also his fans, so this pains us deeply.
We would like to apologise wholeheartedly for any inconvenience the error may have caused you. We are aware of the fault, and are correcting it in the reprint. If you have bought a copy of the first run and would like a replacement please send your old copy and postal address to:
A Crown Imperilled Replacement
77-85 Fulham Palace Road
W6 8JB
A note from Raymond E. Feist and Jane Johnson
Dear Reader,
Putting a book together is a collaborative undertaking, but ultimately the responsibility for errors falls to the author. Even if someone introduces an error in production, the author is given the opportunity to read the final manuscript and should spot it. A Crown Imperilled has such an error, one potentially annoying to the reader. In the last stage of production, I inadvertently inserted a much early draft version of part of one chapter in lieu of the final draft, which resulted in a continuity gaff. For this I deeply apologize, and will do my very best to not repeat such a mistake. It’s the first real gaff in thirty years, and doubly galling because I know how it was supposed to read. Thank you for years of support.
Raymond E. Feist
‘It’s not fair that Ray should shoulder all the blame. I was the editor in charge of getting a perfect book to press, and in the midst of a white-hot edit I missed the fact that suddenly Pug was in two places at once! Editors are supposed to be infallible (it’s our job), but I fear I was swept away by the story, reading like a reader and not like an editor. After 27 years you’d think I’d have got that one down. And then the proofreader, whose job it is to sweep up after both of us, missed it as well. I am so sorry: we pride ourselves on the quality – both in terms of the writer’s imagination and of our production – of Voyager novels, and I sincerely hope the glitch will not spoil this wonderful novel for you.’
Jane Johnson, Publishing Director

Sat Feb 4th, 2012
Errors - A Crown Imperilled
It looks like the gremlins have got into the works again. As usual the members of the Feistfans-l have been providing feedback to Ray on what they have discovered. Hopefully these errors will be corrected for the paperback edition.
Please do not contact us with errors if you find them, we have been receiving them daily since the books release, at the end of January.

Fri Jan 20th, 2012
UK release date slips - A Crown Imperilled
Not good news for many in the UK, but Harper Collins UK have anounced a new release date for A Crown Imperilled, which is now the 13th of February 2012, having been originally been scheduled for the 27th February 2012, and then moved to 30th January 2012.
It looks like for book collectors the Australians will have the True First edition.

Tue Jan 10th, 2012
Site Search Malfunction
There appears to be a fault with the 'Search' facilty at present, where in some cases not all the results are returned. If you do not find what you are looking for, and believe it does exist, can we suggest using Google and adding the following phrase without the [] - []. This will restrict your results to the content at Crydee.
We will continue to look into the search facility, to identify and rectify the cause. At that point we will make a further announcement.