Here you will find the latest news in the world of Raymond E. Feist. It maybe the title of the next book, a new release or even a new project, but it could also be an update on an existing project. What ever it is though, we hope to present it to you as soon as we are aware of it. If you know something we don't, that relates to Raymond E. Feist, and believe it should be here, then please contact us.

Sat Mar 5th, 2011
A thank you to Ray
The administrators of would like to thank Raymond E. Feist for his acknowledgement of in his latest book, A Kingdom Besieged. We are also extremely honoured by the books dedication.
We would also like to thank him for his acknowledgement of the Feistfans-l Mailing list, on behalf of members past and present, and Dan Lorey, owner of the mailing list.

Wed Mar 2nd, 2011
A Kingdom Besieged On Sale UK/ Australia New Zealand
A Kingdom Besieged is already available in many stores in the UK, Australia and New Zealand. Don't wait too long before you get your copy, they might sell out.

Fri Feb 25th, 2011
A Crown Imperiled soon to be handed in
Ray mentioned the following earlier this week on facebook:
Just about to hand A Crown Imperiled in. Lead time is about a year. Magician's End will be in by Christmas.

Wed Feb 23rd, 2011
A Kingdom Besieged Video Teaser
Harper Collins UK have sent us a video teaser for A Kingdom Besieged, which we are pleased to make available to you.

Tue Feb 22nd, 2011
A Kingdom Besieged Making an Appearance
It would appear thet A Kingdom Besieged is already starting to make an appearance in some stores. It has been reported to have been sighted in Dublin and Australia.

Wed Feb 9th, 2011
US - A Kingdom Besieged release date slips
According to our contact at Mysterious Galaxy, the release date for the US edition of A Kingdom Besieged has slipped to the 12 April 2011.

Mon Feb 7th, 2011
Czech nearly At the Gates of Darkness
The Czech publisher Wales, is planning to release At the Gates of Darkness sometime in May 2011, this will bring them to the end of the Demonwar. As soon as we have further information, ISBN, cover, etc, we will add to the Publication Information section. For now our thanks go to Michal Štipský of Wales, the publisher.

Fri Feb 4th, 2011
France - Magician Paperback
It looks like Milady will be releasing a new two part paperback version of Magician by Raymond E. Feist on 18th March 2011. The titles we have are Magicien 1 - L'Apprenti and Magicien 2 - le mage. As soon as we have covers we will make them available for your viewing.

Fri Feb 4th, 2011
France Rides a Dread Legion
Bragelonne, the French publisher will be releasing la légion de la terreur (Rides a Dread Legion) the first book of the Demonwar Saga by Raymond E. Feist. The book is expected on the 18th February 2011. Details can be found in the Publication Information, but for now a smaller view of the cover can be seen below.

Fri Feb 4th, 2011
French Empire Trilogy to get new covers
It appears that Bragelonne will soon be putting new covers on the Empire Trilogy - Fille de l'Empire, Pair de l'Empire, Maitresse de l'Empire, by Raymond E. Feist and Janny Wurts. We have basic Publication information at present and will update as soon as more is available.

Fri Feb 4th, 2011
Czech Demonwar Saga Begins
We have just added the Publication Information for the Czech release of Válka s démony - Hrozba (Rides a Dread Legion), the first book in the Demonwar Saga by Raymond E. Feist. The book appears to have been released by the publisher, Wales sometime in 2010. If your the publisher of his representative and your reading this, please contact us, so we can be updated on future releases. For now you can find the cover below.

Fri Feb 4th, 2011
Riftwar Legacy - Netherlands, Gets New Covers
It looks like the Dutch Publisher Boekerij - Mynx has updated the Riftwar Legacy with new covers in the Netherlands. Krondor: het verraad, Krondor: de moordenaars and Krondor - Traan der Goden, were re-released on 13 January 2011, the new covers are much brighter than the old version, as can be seen below. More publication details can be found the the appropriate section of Publication Information.

Mon Jan 31st, 2011
Crydee - forum closure
It is with deep regret that we have decided after long deliberation, to close the forum, with immediate effect. Membership has declined to almost non existent levels.
Of those members remaining only a handful actually post. In fact the majority of our time is spent activating new members / spammers, and a week or so later deleting those that never visited.
People have changed their expectations of the forum and to come to just read all the discussions, with only a few starting them..
For those still wishing to discuss the works of Raymond Feist, I would suggest looking up the Feistfans-l mailing list (addresses can be found at Crydee.

Wed Dec 15th, 2010
A Kingdom Besieged Cover Revealed (UK,Au,NZ)
The cover art for the UK , Australian, and New Zealand Hardcover edition of Raymond E. Feist's A Kingdom Besieged has been revealed. A larger image can be seen in the Publication Information.

Thu Dec 9th, 2010
A Kingdom Besieged Synopsis
We have just uploaded the Synopsis for A Kingdom Besieged, The first book in the Chaoswar Saga.