Here you will find the latest news in the world of Raymond E. Feist. It maybe the title of the next book, a new release or even a new project, but it could also be an update on an existing project. What ever it is though, we hope to present it to you as soon as we are aware of it. If you know something we don't, that relates to Raymond E. Feist, and believe it should be here, then please contact us.

Tue Nov 14th, 2017
King of Ashes Cover Art UK
Here at last, the long awaited artist proof cover for the UK King of Ashes. It is subject to change

Sat Nov 11th, 2017
King of Ashes Cover Art US
Here at last, the long awaited artist proof cover for the US King of Ashes. It is subject to change

Fri Nov 10th, 2017
Magician Master from Audible
Ray just posted the following.
It's been called to my attention that some folks downloading Magician: Master from Audible have files with a portion of Chapter One missing. I am aware, so telling me is redundant. I have already passed that info on to the folks at Viking/Penguin/Random House. If you have that problem, let Audible know directly.
The "Our story so far," portion was deleted, as well as the duplication of acknowledgment and dedication. That was intentional. Anything else missing, that is not.

Sun Jul 23rd, 2017
Early US eBooks update
Ray just posted
Just got word that the US eBook editions of Magician Apprentice/Master, Silverthorn, A Darkness at Sethanon, The Empire Trilogy, Faerie Tale, Prince of the Blood, and the King's Buccaneer will be out in a month. You can pre-order the Kindle editions on Amazon now.
Preparationis underway to record the audio editions of those titles and when I get a projection on when they will be available, I will post that here.

Fri Jun 30th, 2017
US Riftwar and Empire Ebooks
Ray just posted
Ebooks in the US news. OK, after all the struggles we have had getting things put together, it appears as if Magician (Apprentice/Master), Silverthorn, A Darkness at Sethanon, Prince of the Blood, the Empire Trilogy, King's Buccaneer, and Faerie Tale will finally be available in eBook formats beginning sometime in late August, probably the 22nd. When the formal announcement is made I will link it here.
Admin Note: We will be advising as and when we have further information.

Fri May 19th, 2017
Ray just posted.
A bit of news. One of the things I've been working on for a while was straightening out the problem with ebook and audio rights for my first eight books (nine titles given Magician was split) in the US. I am relieved to announce we have finally resolved this issue and ebooks and audio books for Magician: Apprentice, Magician: Master, Silverthorn, A Darkness at Sethanon, Prince of the Blood, King's Buccaneer, Faerie Tale, and the Empire Trilogy will be published by Bantam/Random House. I have no time line yet, but as soon as I know about availability I will post that information here.

Thu Feb 9th, 2017
Helping Young Talent by Raymond E. Feist
Ray has created a gofundme to raise funds for... Well it's probably easier for you to read for yourself, so here is the link.
Please consider helping.

Mon Jan 23rd, 2017
New series title update
Ray just posted the following.
So, to be clear. The 'series' is now titled "Firemane," and the first
book is King of Ashes. Don't have the second or third title, but have a
decent idea what's going to go in them!
Admin note 'series' is in inverted commas to prevent auto linking on the website.

Sat Jun 18th, 2016
King of Ashes - Titles Announced
Ray posted the following
I've finally decided on titles. The series is King of Ashes.
Book I: Embers and Steel.
Book II: Blood and Flames.
Book III: to be decided.

Mon Apr 4th, 2016
King of Ashes - update
The King of Ashes, the first book in a new world from Raymond E. Feist, is progressing well. It is envisaged that it will be submitted to the publisher in the coming months, and likely to be published in 2017.
Although you may see May 2016 at some online retailers, this is the current state of play.

Thu Sep 3rd, 2015
Traveling to Brazil
Ray just posted he will be shortly traveling to Rio in Brazil where he has a media event on Friday and public appearances starting Sunday, thouhgh he has not yet provided a schedule. Tuesday and Wednesday he should be in San Paulo.

Sat Jul 4th, 2015
Ray just posted.
Rights issues on Jimmy and the Crawler have been resolved. Now it's simply a matter of HarperCollins US to decide what they want to do with it, digital only, a collectible hardcover as the British did, part of a collection, who knows?

Sat Jul 4th, 2015
e-Books in the US
Ray just posted the following.
Someone just asked me about ebooks. There was some issue regarding the titles in the US published by Bantam and we are attempting to resolve it. I'm hoping to have news within the next few weeks, so with luck, by the end of Summer you'll Magician, Silverthorn, Darkness, Prince of the Blood, The Empire Trilogy, Faerie Tale, and King's Buccaneer in eBook in the US. Keeping fingers crossed.

Mon Jun 22nd, 2015
Changes again for King of Ashes - War of Five Crowns
Ray just posted
OK, so I was just informed there's another series titled "King of Ashes." So, until further notice, it's now "The trilogy to be named later." Grumble, grumble.

Sat Jun 20th, 2015
Changes to the War of Five Crowns
Ray just posted
Title change. War of Five Crowns is now King of Ashes, Books I, II, and III. Title of first volume to be named later