- When you thought of the Tsurani armour did you have an idea which parts were which colours?
- Why didn't the Kingdom ever attempt to use Tsurani weapons and armour?
- Where did you come up with all this info on medevil warfare ?
- In the Kingdom, if a soldier was to be injured on duty or in battle, was there any form of compensation/pension?
- What is the rank structure of the Kingdom, militarily and Nobility wise?
- One question is how long can the Kingdom keep its army in the field?
- How do the different Soldiers/Fighters compare ?
- Why didn't the Kingdom pay good metal to the Tsurani to hire mercenaries to fight the Emerald Queen?
- Is swordmaster an official rank?
- How well trained are the soldiers of the Kingdom ?
- Can you tell us anymore about the Kingdom armies?
- Are there Knight-Admirals ?
- What are the Prince of Krondor's colors and what does his tabard look