Here you will find a list other events, that is those that are not Book Tours, that we have been advised of, in which Raymond E. Feist will be taking part. Please confirm times with the venue where possible.

Mon Jul 9th, 2012
Comicon 2012
Ray just posted to the Feistfans-l Mailing List his schedule for this years Comicon (2012).
Subject: Official Comicon Schedule
From: Raymond Feist
Date: 09 July 2012
Not leaving anything to the last minute (he said sarcastically), the Con Schedule has at last been sent to me.
Anyone coming to Comicon, I'll be:
1) book signing HarperCollins Booth (#1016) Thursday 5-6 pm
2) pannel: Epic Fantasy War. Room 6A 3:30 to 4:30 Friday 7/13.
3) book signing after panel 5-6 Area AA9.

Fri Feb 10th, 2012
San Diego Signing 2012 - A Crown Imperiled
We have received word that Raymond E. Feist will be at Mysterious Galaxy, 7051 Clairmont Mesa Blvd. Suite #302, San Diego CA92111 on the 13th March 2011 from 7.00 to 8.00 p.m. to sign his latest book A Crown Imperiled.
For those not able to attend, they will take advance orders, and they also ship internationally, if you really want a US cover.
The store can be contacted by telephone at 858 268 4747.
Or you can visit their page at

Thu Jul 14th, 2011
San Diego Comic Con 2011
Ray will be attending the San Diego Comic Con at the following times.
Thursday 21st July between 3.00pm-5.00pm at the "Autograph Area" for Harper Collins.
Saturday 23rd July between 10.00am-11.00am at the Marvel Booth (2329).

Wed Apr 20th, 2011
Raymond E. Feist to be a keynote speaker at La Jolla Writers Conference
Ray just posed the following to the Feistfans-l mailing list
Subject: La Jolla Writers Conference
From: Raymond E. Feist
Date: 20 April 2011
I have agreed to be a keynote speaker on Friday November 4th at the La
Jolla Writers Conference.
I will also be conducting a workshop on business of writing related topics
either Friday or Saturday (TBA).
Best, R.E.F.

Wed Feb 9th, 2011
Mysterious Galaxy Signing date Changes to 13 April 2011
Inline with our announcement of a slip to the release of A Kingdom Besieged, Mysterious Galaxy have moved their signing event to the 13th April 2011. All other details stay the same as the previous announcement.

Tue Feb 1st, 2011
San Diego Signing 2011 - A Kingdom Besieged
We have received word that Raymond E. Feist will be at Mysterious Galaxy, 7051 Clairmont Mesa Blvd. Suite #302, San Diego CA92111 on the 13th April 2011 (was previously 29th March 2011) from 7.00 to 8.00 p.m. to sign his latest book A Kingdom Besieged.
For those not able to attend, they will take advance orders, and they also ship internationally, if you really want a US cover.
The store can be contacted by telephone at 858 268 4747.
Or you can visit their page at

Fri May 7th, 2010
Mysterious Galaxy 2010 - Signing Pictures
We have just uploaded photographs from the recent book signing for At The Gates of Darkness, which took place at at Mysterious Galaxy San Diego. The pictures were sent to us by long time Feistfan Ray Chiang. They can be found in On Location , under guise of San Diego US - Mysterious Galaxy by Ray Chiang

Fri Apr 16th, 2010
San Diego Signing TODAY
Just a last minute reminder. Ray will be at Mysterious Galaxy 7051, Clairemont Messa Blvd. Suite #302 San Diego at 7pm today.
The store can be contacted on 858 268 4747, if you want to place a phone order, or find more details on the event.

Thu Jan 28th, 2010
San Diego Signing 2010
We received word from Maryelizabeth Hart, Publicity Manager at Mysterious Galaxy, that Raymond E. Feist will be at Mysterious Galaxy, 7051 Clairmont Mesa Blvd. Suite #302, San Diego CA92111 on the 16th April at 7.00 p.m. to sign his latest book At the Gates of Darkness. For those not able to attend, they will take advance orders, and they also ship internationally, if you really want a US cover.
The store can be contacted by telephone at 858 268 4747.

Tue Jul 21st, 2009
Feist @ SDCC Marvel Booth
Update today with end time
From: Craig J. Ries
Date: 21 July 2009
For anybody else going to San Diego Comic Con this week/weekend!
Marvel's just released signing schedule for their booth, #2429, includes Ray on Sunday from 11am to 12pm.

Sun Jul 19th, 2009
San Diego Comic Con 2009
Ray posted to the alt.books.raymond-feist newgroup that he will be at the convention signing at the Marvel booth on Sunday 26th July 2009
From: Raymond Feist
Date: 17 July 2009
This year I have family in town so I'm only going to be there Sunday for public stuff. Saturday I'll be dropping my kids off and doing some social stuff, but mostly catching up with old friends away from the convention. I've got meetings on Sunday as well as one signing at the Marvel booth at 11 am.
I'm open to sign a few, but this year I just can't be lingering over
cases as I have in the past.
Best, R.E.F.

Fri Feb 6th, 2009
Mysterious Galaxy Signing
Ray just posted that there will be a signing at Mysterious Galaxy in San Diego on March 31st to promote Rides a Dread Legion.
Contact the store for full details
Mysterious Galaxy Books
7051 Clairemont Mesa Blvd.
Suite #302
San Diego, CA 92111
Tel: 858.268.4747
Admin Update : It looks like the signing will be at 7pm.

Thu Jul 17th, 2008
Comic Con 2008
Raymond E. Feist will be attending Comic Con 2008 on Saturday 26th July 2008 which takes place at:
Convention Center,
111 W. Harbor Dr.
San Diego, CA 92101
He will be at the Marvel booth at 10am

Wed Mar 26th, 2008
Raymond E. Feist at Mysterious Galaxy 30 March 2008
Raymond E. Feist will be signing his book, Wrath of a Mad God, at Mysterious Galaxy Books, 7051 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, Suite 302. San Diego, on Sunday, March 30th 2008, at 2:00 PM.
This is a numbered event. Numbers for the signing line are available with purchase of Wrath of a Mad God from Mysterious Galaxy.
Contact staff for furtehr details.

Sat Mar 22nd, 2008
Ray to attend Los Angeles Times Festival of Books at UCLA in April
Raymond E. Feist will be attending the 2008 Los Angeles Times Festival of Books at UCLA on Sunday 27th April 2008.
Ray will be participating in PANEL 2011 at 10:00 AM
The Outer Limits: Horror & Science Fiction
Mr. Kevin J. Anderson
Mr. David Brin
Mr. Joe Hill
Moderated by Mr. Nick Owchar
Find out more about the event at the Los Angeles Times.
Please check for updates at the organisers website to avoid dissapointment if the event schedules change.

If you happen to be attending and take some photographs, please contact us as we would like to add them to the Photographs section of Crydee.