Here you will find a list other events, that is those that are not Book Tours, that we have been advised of, in which Raymond E. Feist will be taking part. Please confirm times with the venue where possible.

Tue Jun 10th, 2014
Raymomd E. Feist - Singapore 2014
Ray just posted the followiing.
I have agreed in principle to appear the weekend of November 8-9th (2014) at the Singapore Writers Festival.
Details will follow.

Tue Mar 11th, 2014
Lunacon 2014
Ray will be Lunacon in Rye Brook NY over the weekend of March 14-17th.
The schedule is as follows.
7 PM "Gender Parity" Bartell Room
1 pm Autograph Session Westchester Assembly
3 pm Magic and Religion Westchester Ballroom A2
11 am Reading Bartell Room
12 pm Hour of the Wolf Westchester Ballroom B
He will also be wandering about here and there.

Wed Oct 23rd, 2013
Personal Appearance in Fallbrook CA December 10th
Ray just posted the following
I will be doing a personal appearance in Fallbrook, CA, for those of you in northern San Diego County or southern Riverside, in Fallbrook on December 10th, at the Fallbrook Library, 124 S. Mission Road. 6-7:30, a talk and book signing.

Tue Oct 22nd, 2013
Mysterious Galaxy Signing November 8th
Raymond E Feist just posted that he and Stephen Abrams will be doing a talk/signing at Mysterious Galaxy San Diego on Friday November 8th at 7pm.
If you want to order a signed copy, give Mysterious Galaxy a call on 858-268-4747

Thu Sep 19th, 2013
Ray at Big Orange Book Festival
Ray posted that he will be on a writers panel at the Big Orange Book Festival at Chapman College in Orange California on the 12th October at 12:30p.m.
For details please check this link Big Orange Book Festival.

Thu Sep 19th, 2013
Ray at Big Orange Book Festival
Ray posted that he will be on a writers panel at the Big Orange Book Festival at Chapman College in Orange California on the 12th October at 12:30p.m.
For details please check this link Big Orange Book Festival.

Thu Sep 5th, 2013
Raymond E. Feist - Special Guest Comicon 2014
Raymond E Feist posted that he has agreed to be a special guest at next years, 2014, San Diego Comicon.

Tue Aug 6th, 2013
Ray signing at Hudson's Books this weekend.
Ray just posted.
I'm doing a signing at the brand new Hudson's Books at Lindberg Field, San Diego Airport, Sat at 1pm.
So that translates to 10th August 2013.

Fri Jul 12th, 2013
San Deiego Comicon 2013 - Update
Ray has posted the following schedule for the San Deiego Comocon 2013.
Thurday 18th - 11am Room 32 AB panel Secret of Writing SF/F.
Friday 19th - 11am Signing Booth 1029
Friday 19th - 2:30 Room 24ABC Epic Fantasy

Tue Jul 9th, 2013
Raymond E. Feist at Comi-con 2013
Raymond E. Feist will be at Comi-con 2013, at the San Diego Convention Center 18-21 July 2013. At present we do not have full details of times and dates, though they will be provided when available.

Mon Mar 25th, 2013
Belgium Trip - CANCELLED
Ray just posted the following relating to Belgium Event Trolls et Légendes 2013.
I don't know if any here were planning on going to Brussels next weekend, but my trip there has been canceled to a case of bronchitis that I don't
want to turn into pneumonia.
If anyone was planing on making the trip, apologies.

Wed Feb 27th, 2013
Paris France 2013 - Update
Ray just posted the following to the Feistfans-l
I just got word this morning. There will be no public appearances in Paris. It's just media only. So my only public appearance will be at the Festival in Brussels.
Best, R.E.F.

Mon Feb 4th, 2013
Paris France 2013
Ray posted the following for the 2013 Paris France
I will be in Paris on the 1st of April, but I do not know if we're doing public appearances or media only.
Remember to check back for updates, as soon as we know....

Mon Feb 4th, 2013
Belgium Event Trolls et Légendes 2013
Ray posted the following for the 2013 Belgium - Trolls et Légendes,
In March, I will be in Brussels Belgium at the Fantasy Festival called Trolls et Légendes on the 29th through the 31st.
Remember to check back for updates

Mon Feb 4th, 2013
San Diego Comicon 2013
Ray posted the following for the 2013 San Diego Comicon,
I will also be attending the San Diego Comicon in July, specific day and time TBA.