Originally Created by Mark Drake.
Edited from a document currently maintained by Ray Chiang.
It is recomended that you read Feistfans-l Mailing List User guide, in addition to the following, as it provides guidance on creating posts, and other aspects of posting.
Subject 1: Posting etiquette
The following information gets posted as it becomes available, so don't pester REF:
- When the next book is coming out
- Miscellaneous Midkemia projects
- When and where REF is going to do book signings (See Book Tours at www.crydee.com)
Also, the following subject matter should generally be avoided, for various reasons:
- Any combination of REF's books as a movie [see the FAQ]
- Personal Computer / Operating System religious wars [way off-topic]
- Religion / Politics, unless related to the stories in the books.
- The belief that Pug's parents *must* be someone important or powerful [see the FAQ]
- Posting stories (fan fiction or otherwise) [can cause copyright problems]
- That you don't like the cover of book and REF should choose a different cover [Cover art is up to the publisher, not the author]
- Whether REF will write any prequels [Short answer: no]
- Favourite character, book, or scene.
If you really wish to discuss these "frequently discussed" topics again, please look at the following:
Feistfans-L Archive
...and read through past discussions before rehashing material already discussed.
- Also remember above all no posting binaries, these are attachment files including images, the list is a TEXT only list.
Subject 2: What are Spoiler Warnings?
A Spoiler warning or space is a divider that gives the reader a grace period of not seeing information regarding something in a story plot or character development. There is no such thing as a Spoiler warning for a place or someone's name. But you should try to avoid stating who is the father of a character in the subject or header line, and unexpected appearances by characters. Spoiler warnings in the Header or Subject are much more effective than actual spaces in the body of the message as the reader will skip your whole message. Regardless of which one you use depends on the circumstance of the use.
Another thing is if you feel that the spoiler only ruins a certain book then use a format of the book's abbreviated name with Spoiler after it. Example of what it would look like for Magician is: 'Mag Spoiler'.
Remember not everyone has read a book, it may be new in their language, only just released or they may have only just started reading Feist.
So, when posting questions that would spoil things for our not-on-the-cutting-edge readers, please put in spoiler space by filling in many lines with non-blank space (some mailers compress empty lines) before posting your question or comment.
Subject 3: Can REF come to our town for a book signing?
Not necessarily. Your best (and only) bet is to convince your local bookstore to convince REF's current publisher (Harper-Collins US in the North America, Harper-Collins in UK/New Zealand/Australia) to send him to your city for a book signing. REF has no control over where he gets sent.
Subject 4: Upcoming books
To find out what is coming soon check out the Releases (Short Version), Publication Information (Full Version - includes all known past releases)
- Atlas of Midkemia (on the drawing board, no further info)
The following have been mentioned, but have been put off:
- Another dark fantasy novel (in the same vein as Faerie Tale)
- A Sci-Fi Adventure Novel, tentatively titled _The Jigsaw Lady_
+ Krondor: The Crawler (Book 4)
+ Krondor: The Dark Mage (Book 5)
Finally, about any Kelewan books:
There are no plans for any more Empire books, with or without Janny Wurts.
See the Crydee FAQ (Feistfans-L FAQ) for more details.
Subject 5: MUSH/MUD/MOO?
Due to lack of developers and the lack of popularity of MUSHes, RiftMUSH is effectively closed.
Subject 6: Computer games?
Already published is "Betrayal at Krondor" by Sierra/Dynamix for
DOS/Windows, and "Return to Krondor" by Pyrotechnix and distributed by
Subject 7: How do I unsubscribe? (Or "Help! Its too much mail!")
To unsubscribe from Feistfans-L, unsubscribe
Subject 8: How do I resubscribe? (Or "I haven't seen any email for a while")
Every once in a while, you might get dropped from the mailing list. The
best thing to do is to unsubscribe yourself and re subscribe.
Subject 9: Was the world of Midkemia originated as a roleplaying game?
Yes. Presently, the only way to get the original products is to look
at store that sell used gaming material or from Midkemia Press's web
site at:
Subject 10: What does WUTNB stand for?
Wait Until the Next Book
Subject 11: What other WWW sites are there?
The Official Raymond E. Feist Website
Official Atlas to Midkemia
Midkemia Press
Of course, if you want to see more Feist web sites, look at the other
pages linked from the sites above.
Edited from a document maintained by Ray Chiang.
There is also a long standing list feistfans-l joke as to who is playing Ray this week, you never know when it may pop up