Here you will find what we have been doing at Crydee. Be it new articles or information, maybe an update of existing information. This is where you will find out the bigger changes we have implimented.

Fri Jan 30th, 2009
New Questions in Cydee Quiz
To help you fill your time between books, we have added several more Quiz sets, on which you can test your knowledge.
we have included questions where your tested on your knowledge of the book covers. There are even specific sets for the Hungarian, Netherlands, French, German, UK, and US covers.

Fri Jan 23rd, 2009
Crydee Quiz - Fixed
For some time we have been aware of an issue with some of the Quiz questions, in that instead of the question being displayed, the user would be presented with "n/a".
We had considered explaining it away as a test of your magical 'Telepathic' abilities, but didn't think you would swallow it. The actual cause was a configuration error on some questions, which we believe has now been fixed.
If you do find any Quiz, where this issue persists, please contact us so we can fix the error.

Sun Jan 4th, 2009
Wrath of a Mad God Paperback (US)
We have just added the publication information for the US paperback edition of Wrath of a Mad God which is due out Next Month. Full details can be found in the Publication Information section.

Tue Dec 30th, 2008
Continuous Improvement
As part of our plan to continually improve the content we make available, we have updated several of the covers for the French releases, to higher resolution images.
In addition to this we have been updating the titles of many of the book publication information pages, to bring them into line with title from the country they are from, and not the English Translation.
If you have a better quality image for any of the covers we have, and would like to help us improve them, please contact us.

Mon Dec 15th, 2008
A Minor Facelift for Crydee
For the last two months we have been working on a minor facelift for Crydee. The intent of the redesign has been to incorporate the latest advances in the backend software, and to take advantage of these advances, by improving the consistency of the website theme, and user interface.
We have made a few small changes to the websites structure, so some older links may be broken, so if you can't find a page you have in your favourites, try a search, or look through the menus.
As the completion of the changes was expected to be near, the festive season, we have added that little extra...
We still have a few minor adjustments to make in some areas, but these in general will not be noticed, and we need to bring back the FAQ and Encyclopedia specific search engines. After that we have a few improvements to make to the Quiz, such as categorising the Quiz into Easy, Medium and Hard, which probably means we will need some easy questions

Tue Oct 21st, 2008
Bookmarks from France
We have added several Bookmarks to the Publicity section. These have been made available by the French publisher, and depict images from the book covers. You can see one example below.

Thu Sep 11th, 2008
eBooks Updated
We have just added information on "Jimmy the Hand" to the eBooks.
In addition to the above, and to permit additional information to be provided at a later date, we have moved the previous information into a sub-menu of eBooks called Publication Info. If you link direct to this page you will need to re-set your links to their new configuration.

Wed Sep 10th, 2008
Fan Art Section Grows
We are pleased to announce the addition of Danny Wake and Josephine Smiley to the Fan Art section, definitely worth a look, as are the many other artist who have given permission to Crydee for their works to be displayed.
If you have something , and would like to join them please contact us.
And remeber by clicking on most images on this site, you will be presented with a larger image.

Sat Aug 30th, 2008
UK Darkwar Saga in Large Print
We have added to the UK Publication Information, details on the Large Print Editions of the Darkwar Saga by Clipper Large Print, an imprint of W.F. Howes Ltd. These books are printed in a 16 point font for those with difficulties reading.
These titles are primarily intended for libraries and educational establishments, and may be found in the UK , Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.
If you have a requirement for any of these books, you could try contacting the publisher through their website, which can be found in the Publishers Links.

Thu Aug 28th, 2008
Improved Search Facilities
We have added content specific search facilities for the FAQ and Encyclopedia. A search box is visible on the right hand side of most pages associated with each of these content types. These special search boxes, search only the content they are associated with, and then only the title of the content. For the best chance of finding what you seek, use less words in the search box.
You can find an example of each search box on the following pages.
For now, the main search box (permanently visible at the top left), will continue to search the complete content of the website, but please be aware this may expose you to potential spoilers, especially where results are found in the Encyclopedia or FAQ.

Mon Aug 25th, 2008
Bulgarian & Czech Synopsis
We have added to the Synopsis section, Bulgarian and Czech translations for several of the books. Just select the appropriate flag to view the titles.

Wed Aug 13th, 2008
Rides a Dread Legion Synopsis NEW UPDATE
HarperCollins UK have updated their synopsis entry for Rides a Dread Legion so we have added it to the information already to hand from HarperCollins USA. You can find it in the Synopsis section under Rides a Dread Legion

Sun Jul 27th, 2008
Rides a Dread Legion Synopsis UPDATED
We have added a corrected synopsis for Rides a Dread Legion, by Raymond E. Feist. It can be found in the Synopsis section of Books.
This replaces the one originally posted on the 3rd of July 2008 which was found to contain errors.

Thu Jul 3rd, 2008
Rides a Dread Legion Synopsis
We have added the synopsis for Rides a Dread Legion, it can be found in the Synopsis section of Books.
UPDATE 4 July 2008
The synopsis which was acquired from the publisher, was found to be in error, and has been removed for correction. We hope to be able to provide you with the corrected version shortly.

Tue Jul 1st, 2008
Russian Publication Info Updated
We have updated most of the Russian Publication Information to include original dates of printing, and some other missing information.