When Raymond E. Feist tours, they are announced on the Feistfans-l Mailing List, they are also normally announced in this section shortly after. Please do not ask if Raymond E. Feist can come to your town, as in his own words, 'I have nothing to say about where they send me' (referring to his publishers). If you want him to visit your town, lobby your bookseller to contact the publisher, thats the way it gets done.
The following includes events that have been scheduled, they may have come and gone, but are here for your reference. New, and provisional events, will be added as and when they are known, they will appear towards the top of the list.
Occasionally, although not on a Book Tour, Ray may attend and participate in Other Events. In some cases these may include a book signing.
It is advisable to contact the store or event organisers to verify details such as dates/times, and if there is a requirement to book in advance.
Please do not contact us, to ask for more information on upcoming events shown below. If the information is not already here, then we do not know, and it probably doesn't even exist yet.

Sat Sep 4th, 1999
British Tours
Ray posted this about book tours in Britain:
My signings in the UK are becoming more frequent, as this is the 2nd year in a row I'm in Old Blighty. I expect we'll be doing something major for the 20th Anniversary of Magician in 2002.

Mon Aug 30th, 1999
European Tour Dates
Ray posted two messages about his upcoming book tour.
The first message lists dates in England:
Here's what I know so far. More info to come as I learn it.
Thursday 16 September
Evening event at Heffers, 20 Trinity Street, Cambridge 18.30
Friday 17 September
Evening event at Waterstones, Deansgate, Manchester 19.00
Saturday 18 September
Fantasycon reception at Dillons in central Birmingham at about 3pm.
Sunday 19 September
FANTASYCON So, unless you're coming to Birmingham, it appears that Cambridge and Manchester are the only other options. I think we may squeeze one appearance in London, but I could be wrong.
His second post is about stops in Holland:
At this time, this is what I know I'll be doing in Holland:
Provisionary schedule for the visit of Raymond E. Feist to the Netherlands
Thursday September 23
19.45 h Arrival at Cultureel Centrum De Bussel Oosterhout for Literary Evening with Raymond E. Feist
20.15 h Public interview with Kees van Toorn. At the end your fans will have the opportunity to ask questions.
21.30 h Signing Session
Friday September 24
Den Haag for a visit to Elf Fantasy Shop.
15.00 h - 15.30 h Public interview with Stefan Struik of Elf Fantasy Shop. At the end your fans will have the opportunity to ask questions.
15.30 h Signing session
Saturday September 25
Donner Bookstore Rotterdam.
14.00 h - 15.00 h Public interview with Kees van Toorn. At the end your fans will have the opportunity to ask questions.
15.00 h Signing session
So, it looks as my visit has been cut to three public days, with a day and a half of business stuff mixed in. I'll stick around as long as needed to sign books at those events. Hope those of you near those cities can drop by and say hello.

Sun Aug 1st, 1999
Ray posted information on these upcoming appearances. Be sure to write these dates down!
(Subject to change)
Tuesday, November 9 - Chicago, Illinois
Arrive The Stars Our Destination, 5:45 PM
1021 W. Belmont, Chicago, IL 60657
Contact: Alice Bentley, (773) 871-2722
6:00 PM - Reading/Signing
Wednesday, November 10 - Dayton, Ohio
Arrive Books & Co., 6:45 PM
350 E. Stroop Rd., Dayton, OH 45429
Contact: Sharon Roth, (937) 297-6365 or 297-7895 (fax)
7:00 PM - Reading/Signing
Thursday, November 11 - Ann Arbor, Michigan
Borders Books and Music
612 E. Liberty, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Contact: Eric Olsen, (734) 668-7553
Time Not Yet Available - Reading/Signing
Friday, November 12 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Indigo Books & Music
155 Bloor St., Toronto, ONT, Canada M4W 1A5
Contact: Ephram Spiegelman, (416) 925-3536 x 5108
Time Not Yet Available - Reading/Signing
Saturday, November 13 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Arrive Chapters "Festival Hall," 12:45 PM
142 John St., Toronto, ONT, Canada M5V 2E3
Contact: Joanne Struch, (416) 595-7349
1:00 PM - Reading/Signing
Saturday, November 20 - San Diego, California
Arrive Mysterious Galaxy, 2:15 PM
3904 Convoy Street #107, San Diego, CA 92111
Contact: Mary Elizabeth Hart, (619) 278-4004
2:30 PM - Reading/Signing
Following Ray's announcement, there were a few questions about the proper etiquette at a signing. Ray's responses:
A few stores try to push the "he's only signing the new one, and you have to buy it here," nonsense but most don't.
The rule-of-thumb is not to make people behind you wait, so I usually sign three and send those with more to the back of the line. If I'm pressed for time, that means that everyone gets something signed. If I'm not pressed (most of the time) then that insures that those who have only the new book, but find themselves behind the obsessive collector type fan who has 100 different editions don't blow their entire lunch hour waiting for me to get past one guy.
Bring some of your old ones, buy the new one, whatever makes you happy.
And in a later post:
If it's got my name on it, or was published as part of a promotion, i.e. game, map, CD, etc. I'll sign it.
I've been to one of Ray's book signings, and they are pretty cool events. If you can go, I highly recommend it. And nothing is better than a signed hardback...

Thu Jul 8th, 1999
Netherlands Tour Still On
Ray settled the fears of several Dutch fans with this announcement:
Actually, the problem with the translations into Dutch are being taken care of. The visit in September is still scheduled. Cities, times, dates, and places will be announced when they are firmed up.

Wed Jul 7th, 1999
More Tour Information
More information on Ray's upcoming book tour came out today. In two posts, Ray generalized on where he would and wouldn't be:
Nope. In the last four year's I've done North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, New York City, Long Island, and Washington, D.C. Probably next time around we'll be back up in the Pacific Northwest.
Idaho, like the Dakotas, Wyoming, Montana, Iowa, Kansas, and a few other spots is "fly over" country as far as my publisher is concerned. It would take a lot of noise from your local bookseller to get me there.
Also, Nick Boalch posted some information on Ray's appearance at this year's British Fantasy Society FantasyCon XXIII:
Ray will be one of the Guests of Honour at this year's British Fantasy Society FantasyCon XXIII, which takes place at the Britannia Hotel, Birmingham, from 17th-19th September 1999.
I quote from the latest Prism:
"We are delighted to announce that world-wide best-selling Fantasy author, Raymond E Feist, will be appearing at FantasyCon. This is thanks to Jane Johnson at HarperCollins who was pulled out all the stops to ensure that FantasyCon is the place to be in September. Feist...will be with us for the weekend, speaking about his work, characters, worlds and anything else that seems appropriate, and taking part in out public signing on the Saturday afternoon."
Tickets are 40 for BFS members, 50 for non-members up until the 31st July, after which they are 45 and 55 respectively.

Tue Jul 6th, 1999
Preliminary North American Tour Information
Ray posted this, the first good information about the upcoming tour:
OK, here's some preliminary info on the North American tour this year.
Dates will probably be between November 8th and November 13th. Dayton, OH; Anne Arbor, MI; Toronto, Ontario; Chicago, IL.
I'll also be doing at least one signing in the greater Los Angeles area and at least one in San Diego, probably a week or so after these dates.
Please do not ask me this store or that. Time and places to be announced later this month.

Tue Jul 6th, 1999
Australian Tour Location
Ray posted this about one possible stop on his next Australian tour:
I'm pretty sure we'll do Canberra in 2002.
Of course nothing is final yet as his publisher decides where Ray goes. If you want Ray to come to your town, you need to convince your local book store to talk to the appropriate publisher (Avon in the USA, HarperCollins in the UK and Australia).

Tue Jun 22nd, 1999
European Tour in Jeopardy?
There has been a recent controversy over the practice several of Ray's foreign-edition publishers have engaged in: changing character's name when it makes no difference (linguisticly). In response to a recent post about this occuring in the Dutch editions, Ray posted this:
I was SO pissed off about the ongoing abuse of my character names, I deleted the letter from whichever of you kind soles alerted me to the problem. Could you please re-send, so I can forward it to my agent.
To say the least we are not amused.
More on this to come, but at this point I must inform some of you that the trip to Holland in September is now in jeopardy.
Don't get too freaked out just yet if you are in Holland. I'll post more information when the final determination is made.

Sun May 2nd, 1999
Possible European Tour
Ray posted this to the list about an upcoming tour:
Actually, we were negotiating for a trip to the UK in addition to my first trip to the Netherlands. I have no dates/places yet, but at this point we're talking about me appearing in Amsterdamn, 's-Gravenhage, Rotterdamn, and possibly one or two other cities, Utrech, Haarlem, Arnhem, or Groningen.
And I'll also probably be making a few other stops in the UK.
Details when I have them.
This was in response to post that an annoucement that Ray would be attending FantasyCon XXIII in September. Also, I'll be out of town for a few days. More news then.

Mon Jul 22nd, 1996
Sacremento USA Signings
I'm going to be flying to Sacramento and the Bay Area this week for 4 signings.
Thursday July 25 7 pm Tower Books on Watt Avenue, Sacramento.
Friday, July 26 7:30 pm Book Passage on Tamal Vista Blvd, Corte Madera
Saturday July 27 1:30 Dark Carnival on Claremont Ave, Berkley
6 pm Printer's Ink on California Ave, Palo Alto
Best, R.E.F.