click image to enlarge
Country: | US |
Book Title: | Legends |
Country Title: | Legends |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | TOR |
Book Format: | Hard Cover |
Editor: | Robert Silverberg |

click image to enlarge
Country: | US |
Book Title: | Legends |
Country Title: | Legends |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Book Format: | Hard Cover |
Editor: | Robert Silverberg |
Comments: | Book Club Edition |

click image to enlarge
Country: | US |
Book Title: | Legends |
Country Title: | Legends |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | TOR |
Book Format: | Paperback |
Editor: | Robert Silverberg |

click image to enlarge
Country: | US |
Book Title: | Legends |
Country Title: | Legends |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | TOR |
Book Format: | Leather Bound |
Editor: | Robert Silverberg |
Comments: | Limited Leather-Bound Edition of 200 |

click image to enlarge
Country: | France |
Book Title: | Legends |
Country Title: | Legends |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Book Format: | Trade Paperback |
Editor: | Robert Silverberg |
Comments: |

click image to enlarge
Country: | UK |
Book Title: | Legends |
Country Title: | Legends |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | Harper Collins |
Book Format: | Trade Paperback |
Editor: | Robert Silverberg |
Cover Artist: | |
Comments: | Special Sampler comprising only the works of Raymond E. Feist and Terry Pratchett This is a Double Front Cover book, you can see the other cover here |

click image to enlarge
Country: | UK |
Book Title: | Legends |
Country Title: | Legends |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | Harper Collins |
Book Format: | Trade Paperback |
Editor: | Robert Silverberg |
Cover Artist: | |
Comments: | Special Sampler comprising only the works of Raymond E. Feist and Terry Pratchett. This was a Limited Edition of 50, signed by both Authors (NOTE: There is nothing stopping the normal Special Sampler being signed by both authors) This is a Double Front Cover book, you can see the other cover here |

click image to enlarge
Country: | UK |
Book Title: | Legends |
Country Title: | Legends |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | Harper Collins |
Book Format: | Paperback |
Editor: | Robert Silverberg |
Cover Artist: |

Der 7. Schrein
click image to enlarge
Country: | Germany |
Book Title: | Legends |
Country Title: | Der 7. Schrein |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Book Format: | Hard Cover |
Editor: | Robert Silverberg |
Comments: |

click image to enlarge
Country: | Russia |
Book Title: | Legends |
Country Title: | Legends |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | AST |
Book Format: | Hard Cover |
Printing Date: | 1999 |
Number of Pages: | 720 |
Editor: | Robert Silverberg |
Comments: | Apparently only 7000 copies produced |

click image to enlarge
Country: | Czech |
Book Title: | Legends |
Country Title: | Legendy |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | BETA-Dobrovský |
Book Format: | Hard Cover |
Printing Date: | 1999 |
Number of Pages: | 391 |
Price: | 249 Kč |
Editor: | Robert Silverberg |
Translator: | Robert Čapek |
Comments: | 1 part of 2, of the original book Legends |

click image to enlarge
Country: | UK |
Book Title: | Legends |
Country Title: | Legends |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | Voyager |
Book Format: | Paperback |
Number of Pages: | 380 |
Editor: | Robert Silverberg |
Cover Artist: |

click image to enlarge
Country: | Japan |
Book Title: | Legends |
Country Title: | Legends |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Book Format: | Trade Paperback |
ISBN 10: | 4150202796 |
ISBN 13: | 978-4150202798 |
Printing Date: | October 2000 |
Printing Revision: | 1 |
Number of Pages: | 389 |
Price: | 777 Yen |
Editor: | Robert Silverberg |
Translator: | Kenji Kazama |
Cover Artist: | Michael Whelan |
Comments: | Part 1 of 3 parts of the complete Legends title. 薪運びの少年 リフトウォー・サーガ |

Legenden (part 2)
click image to enlarge
Country: | Netherlands |
Book Title: | Legends |
Country Title: | Legenden (part 2) |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | Luitingh-Sijthoff |
Book Format: | Paperback |
ISBN 10: | 9024542359 |
ISBN 13: | 9789024542352 |
Printing Date: | 01 January 2007 |
Printing Revision: | 1 |
Number of Pages: | 368 |
Price: | 12.50 eu |
Editor: | Robert Silverberg |
Translator: | Josephine Ruitenberg |
Comments: | The Wood Boy - De oorlog van de grote scheuring |

click image to enlarge
Country: | Netherlands |
Book Title: | Legends |
Country Title: | Legenden |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | Luitingh-Sijthoff |
Book Format: | Paperback |
ISBN 10: | 9024505828 |
ISBN 13: | 9789024505821 |
Printing Date: | 1999 |
Printing Revision: | 1 |
Number of Pages: | 672 |
Price: | 22.64 eu |
Editor: | Robert Silverberg |
Translator: | Karin Langeveld |
Cover Artist: | |
Comments: | DE HOUTJONGEN |

Legends (part 2)
click image to enlarge
Country: | Greece |
Book Title: | Legends |
Country Title: | Θρύλοι - τόμος Β' |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | Anubis |
Book Format: | unknown |
ISBN 10: | 960-306-532-3 |
Number of Pages: | 478 |
Price: | 22.50 eu |
Editor: | Robert Silverberg |

De Houtjongen
click image to enlarge
Country: | Netherlands |
Book Title: | Wood Boy |
Country Title: | De Houtjongen |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | Uitgeverij M |
Book Format: | Hard Cover |
ISBN 10: | 90-225-3825-7 |
Printing Date: | March 2004 |
Printing Revision: | 1 |
Number of Pages: | 61 |
Translator: | Karin Langeveld |
Cover Artist: | Rien van der Kraan |

click image to enlarge
Country: | France |
Book Title: | Legends |
Country Title: | Légendes |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | J'ai Lu |
Book Format: | Paperback |
ISBN 10: | 2290302988 |
ISBN 13: | 978-2290302989 |
Printing Date: | 24 April 2001 |
Number of Pages: | 888 |
Price: | 10.40 eu |
Editor: | Robert Silverberg |
Comments: | La Guerre de la Brèche : Le garçon du bois (Raymond E. Feist) |

Légendes de la Fantasy
click image to enlarge
Country: | France |
Book Title: | Legends |
Country Title: | Légendes de la Fantasy |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | Pygmalion |
Book Format: | Trade Paperback |
ISBN 10: | 2756400106 |
ISBN 13: | 978-2756400105 |
Printing Date: | 8 November 2005 |
Number of Pages: | 449 |
Price: | 22.00 eu |
Editor: | Robert Silverberg |
Comments: | This book is believed to be Trade Paperback Format, but needs confirmation |

Efsaneler 2
click image to enlarge
Country: | Turkey |
Book Title: | Legends |
Country Title: | Efsaneler 2 |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | Phoenix Yaynevi |
Book Format: | Trade Paperback |
ISBN 10: | 975-6565-45-4 |
Printing Date: | November 2002 |
Number of Pages: | 404 |
Price: | 17 YTL |
Editor: | Robert Silverberg |
Comments: | There is an additional introduction by Robert Silverberg ecause of his love for Anatolia. |

click image to enlarge
Country: | France |
Book Title: | Legends |
Country Title: | Légendes |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Book Format: | Hard Cover |
Editor: | Robert Silverberg |
Comments: | La Guerre de la Brèche (Raymond E. Feist) |

click image to enlarge
Country: | Australia |
Book Title: | Legends |
Country Title: | Legends |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | Voyager |
Book Format: | Paperback |
ISBN 10: | 0006483933 |
Printing Date: | 2000 |
Printing Revision: | 1 |
Number of Pages: | 380 |
Price: | 17.95 AUD |
Editor: | Robert Silverberg |
Cover Artist: | |
Credits: | Thanks to Tim Plummer for providing the Australian information |
Comments: | Typeset in Stone Serif by Palimpsest Book Production Limited, Polmont, Stirlingshire. Printed and bound by Griffin Press Pty Ltd, Netley, South Australia. Book has Barcode on rear. |

click image to enlarge
Country: | Serbia |
Book Title: | Legends |
Country Title: | Legende |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | Laguna |
Book Format: | Trade Paperback |
ISBN 10: | 9788674368145 |
Printing Date: | 2009 |
Printing Revision: | 1 |
Number of Pages: | 638 |
Price: | 1140 din |
Editor: | Robert Silverberg |
Cover Artist: |

click image to enlarge
Country: | Montenegro |
Book Title: | Legends |
Country Title: | Legende |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | Laguna |
Book Format: | Trade Paperback |
ISBN 10: | 9788674368145 |
Printing Date: | 2009 |
Printing Revision: | 1 |
Number of Pages: | 638 |
Price: | 9.80eu |
Editor: | Robert Silverberg |
Cover Artist: |

click image to enlarge
Country: | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Book Title: | Legends |
Country Title: | Legende |
Story Title: | |
Story Author: | |
Publisher: | Laguna |
Book Format: | Trade Paperback |
ISBN 10: | 9788674368145 |
Printing Date: | 2009 |
Printing Revision: | 1 |
Number of Pages: | 638 |
Price: | 21.00KM |
Editor: | Robert Silverberg |
Cover Artist: |