The following "Fan Art" has been created by Neomi van Aerde, and may depict how they see a character, or scene, from one of the books by Raymond E. Feist.

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Artist: | Neomi van Aerde |
Comments: | After re-reading the Empire-trilogy of R.E.F I decided that there were some women who looked stunning, but are very dangerous. Anyway, this is Teani, one of my favourite characters. She was the concubine of Mara's husband, but also a spy for Mara's blood-enemy, the Minwanabi. Will not tell you more, or else it'll be a major spoiler:) But she is very cool,I tried to make her skin look a bit Asian, and her hair reddish/goldish. Since metal is very rare on Kelewan, the fact that she is wearing metal jewelry proves that her master (the Minwanabi-master) thinks she does her job very well, and that she is important to him. She did not swear loyalty to the Minwanabi, but to show she is part of their House, she is wearing their colors, orange and black. |
Copyright: | Neomi van Aerde - All rights reserved. Displayed by Permission |
Website: |

Lims Kragma
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Artist: | Neomi van Aerde |
Comments: | Okay, I guess I just a have a passion for evil,hardly described females from fantasybooks. But as the title said,this is Lims-Kragma,the Goddess of Death from one of the marvelous books of -who else- Raymond E.Feist Haven't figured out what color to do the skirt-thing....any suggestions? |
Copyright: | Neomi van Aerde - All rights reserved. Displayed by Permission |
Website: |

We are the Firstborn!
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Artist: | Neomi van Aerde |
Comments: | Here is finally one of my newer pictures,and one of my favourites.This one I made after (re)reading one of the books of my favourite writer Raymond E.Feist. A lot of people believe that the Elves are the Firstborn,but they're wrong.In the old times when the gods were still fighting for their places in the sky,the Valheru were created. The Valheru were the first race to place foot upon a planet,and were cruel people who fought for everything,for their lives,but also for gold,jewels,and just power.These people, beautiful in an alien way, rode on dragons,and that's why they were called the Dragon Lords. This one here is called Alma-Lodaka.She created the Pantathians,or serpent-people.Lovingly they called her Mother of Serpents,and after her death in the Chaos War,the started some kind of cultus to bring her back, but anyway,you'll have to read it yourself in Feist's books=) These Valheru just ultimatley fascinated me,these people,cruel and beautiful, are just the nearly perfect fantasy-figures.They've got everything,that unhuman beauty,the wonderful outfits,and OMG the dragons=) Anyway,I could keep going on about them forever,so I'd just say: Enjoy |
Copyright: | Neomi van Aerde - All rights reserved. Displayed by Permission |
Website: |