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Raymond E. Feist has been published in many countries and languages, below you find links to some of the many publishers website we have found. Some of the publishers listed are no longer producing books, but are shown for reference purposes only.


Australia HarperCollins
Bulgaria Bard
Czech Wales
Finland Like Kustannus Oy
France Bragelonne
France J'ai lu
France Le Livre de Poche Jeunesse
France Les Editions de la Reine Noire
France Milady
Germany Piper
Germany Random House
Germany Panini Comics
Germany Goldmann
Greece Agnosti Kadath
Greece Anubis
Hungary Beholder KFT
Italy TEA
Italy Editrice Nord
Japan Hayakawa
Korea Goldenbough
Mexico Grijalbo
Montenegro Laguna
Netherlands Mynx
Netherlands Poema Pocket
Netherlands Uitgeverij Luitingh ~ Sijthoff
Netherlands Meulenhoff
Netherlands De Bookerij
Netherlands Uitgeverij Luitingh ~ Sijthoff
New Zealand HarperCollins
Norway Tiden
Poland ISA
Poland ZYSK I S-KA
Portugal Saída de Emergência
Russia Azbooka
Russia Eksmo
Russia AST
Serbia Laguna
Spain La Factoría de Ideas
Spain La Factoría de Ideas
Sweden B. Wahlströms
Turkey Ithaki
UK W.F.Howes Ltd
UK HarperCollins
US Bantam
US Hill House
US Easton Press
US HarperCollins
US Morrow
US Sagebrush
US Doubleday
US Barnes Noble
US Avon


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