At times the books get refered to by abreviations of their titles, the following is a list of the common abbreviations used. Note some of these titles may not yet be released. Check the Publication Information for details.
Title |
Abbreviation |
Magician | Mag |
Magician Apprentice | MA |
Magician Master | MM |
Silverthorn | Sil |
A Darkness at Sethanon | ADAS |
Daughter of the Empire | DoE |
Servant of the Empire | SoE |
Mistress of the Empire | MoE |
Prince of the Blood | PoB |
The Kings Buccaneer | tKB |
Shadow of a Dark Queen | SoaDQ |
Rise of a Merchant Prince | RoaMP |
Rage of a Demon King | RoaDK |
Shards of a Broken Crown | SoaBC |
Krondor the Betrayal | KtB |
Krondor the Assassins | KtA |
Krondor Tear of the Gods | KtotG |
Jimmy and the Crawler | JatC |
Honoured Enemy | HE |
Murder in LaMut | MiL |
Jimmy the Hand | JtH |
Talon of the Silver Hawk | TotSH |
King of Foxes | KoF |
Exiles Return | ER |
Flight of the Nighthawks | FotN |
Into a Dark Realm | IaDR |
Wrath of a Mad God | WoaMG |
Rides a Dread Legion | RaDL |
At the Gates of Darkness | AtGoD |
A Kingdom Besieged | AKB |
A Crown Imperiled | ACI |
Magicians End | MEnd |
Faerie Tale | FT |