From: Raymond E. Feist
Date: 09 January 2000
Let's see.
Any good author I've read over my life has influenced me, insofar as I'm aware of it. Just seeing how other authors make choices is instructive.
Most of the authors who've influenced me are non-fantasy. In fact the only fantasy author who I consider an influence was Fritz Lieber. As for the non-fantasy crew, start with Shakespear and work your way up to the early 20th Century historical writers, like Costain, Shellenbarger, and Renault. The adventure guys, too, like Stevenson, Dumas, Scott, and Doyle.
The list is not endless, but very long of other authors I admire and from whom I hope I've learned.
As for being compared to Tolkein, that's marketing and has nothing to do with reality.
The books I prefer are either history, historical novels, action adventure thrillers, or good psychological drama.
Best, R. E. F.
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