Does Sergeant Harper in "Shards of a Broken Crown" bears any resemblance to Sergeant Harper in the "Sharpe" series?
From: Raymond E. Feist
Date: 16 March 1997
For anyone who isn't familiar with Bernard Cornwell's work, "Harper" is a tip of the hat to him for his wonderful Sharpe's series. Richard Sharpe and Patrick Harper are two of my all time favorite characters.
Best, R.E.F
From: Raymond E. Feist
Date: 06 January 2000
Actually, it's not a "steal." It's called a "homage" (which is French for homage). <g> I'm a big fan of Bernard Cornwell's work, especially the Sharpe's series. My publisher in England got a serious hoot out of it when she read the first draft. She's also Bernard's publisher in England and loves his work. I've got Sharpe's Triumph on my "to read" pile. I especially recommend his series on Arthur, which is the best Authrian stuff I've read since Rosemarry Sutcliff's Swords at Sunset, published back in '63. His American Civil War series is great, too. He can write military historical fiction with the best of them.
Best, R.E.F.
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