It was only a handful of years ago that Tomas, Pug and Roland were a trio of best friends, running around the Castle Crydee, getting into scrapes and toasting their friendship. Now, Roland is the only one who remains in Crydee. Tomas finds himself deep in the Elf wood, Elvandar, while the elves see him falling deeper under the control of his enchanted armor. Pug, on the other side of the magical rift, in the land of the Tsurani, encounters the “Great Ones”, Tsurani magicians who have great powers, and a great interest in the captured human. And back at Crydee, a commotion at the lighthouse and a mysterious approaching ship raise the stakes. Roland may try to find solace in the arms of Princess Carline, but a greater threat looms on the horizon… one that could mean the end of Crydee itself!