From: Raymond E. Feist
Date: 14 April 2012
Yes and no. I dread going on tour, because they're brutal. My usual day starts between 5 and 6 am depending (there may be a few I can sleep in until 8). If I'm flying out that morning, it's sometimes as early as 4am. If I'm not, it's breakfast and then into whatever I'm doing that day by 10 am: interviews, local warehouse, or photo shoot, then a mid-day signing, grab a bite, then an evening signing. Now,realize that lunch and evening gig may be in two different cities with 3 hour driving in between. My worst was 20 cities in six countries over 28 days about ten years back. Brutal. Once I'm at the bookshop/lecture hall, I usually enjoy hell out of it. I like the people who show up and love the give-take of the Q&A. So once I'm in "on the road"mode, I'm OK. Then once I get home, I am so glad it's over.
So, yes and no.
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